It’s no secret that the brain is a high-performance machine that controls essential body operations such as heartbeat, breathing, thoughts, senses, and much more. But just like every other machine, it needs high-quality fuel to work effectively. If you consume refined and processed foods, you best believe your brain function will be highly affected.

To help your brain maintain optimum performance, here are some foods that can be easily incorporated into your daily meals.
1. Blueberries
Blueberries aren’t called superfoods for no reason. They are excellent brain-boosting food, rich in antioxidants that help prevent age-related memory loss, improve mental health, and increase focus. The fruit is also known to reduce cardiovascular risk and type 2 diabetes.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli is filled with nutritional benefits, just like every other cruciferous vegetable. The phytochemical sulforaphane it possesses activates antioxidant response, which helps rebuild neural cells, reduce inflammation, and improve cognitive function. While most people run away from this veggie because of its taste, it can actually be prepared in a myriad of delicious ways. For instance, roasting broccoli with garlic and lemon will definitely hit the spot. Try it sometime.
3. Eggs
Eggs are highly versatile brain-boosting foods and are rich in choline. This substance is converted to acetylcholine in the brain which is an essential part of memory and brain cell communication. Vitamin B is also found in excess in eggs, which helps lower the risk of dementia and slows down mental decline.

4. Leafy Greens
All dark leafy greens like arugula, collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce, spinach, and watercress are known boosters of brain health. Nutrients boasting beneficial cognitive impact found especially in these greens include Vitamin K, beta-carotene, lutein, and folate. All you need to have is one serving of leafy greens a day to enjoy all their positive effects.
5. Walnuts
While all nuts are full of health benefits and are great sources of plant protein, walnuts especially are associated with brain health. They’re high in another omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid. Many studies also point towards Walnuts’ ability to maintain cognitive function and improve memory, learning skills, and motor coordination.

Wrapping It Up
If you find yourself experiencing cognitive issues like confusion, forgetfulness, impaired judgment, or loss of short/long-term memory, it could possibly be a reaction from you not providing decent nutrients to your brain. As stated earlier, your brain needs high-quality fuel to maintain optimum function.